let’s unpack that …
I had lunch with a business owner this week to talk about social media and how it could fit into their marketing strategy. based on goals, LinkedIn was a central part of the conversation.
their reaction was something like: “I just feel like everyone is pushing their own agenda on there.”
YES. Yes, it can feel that way. But why?
it’s because people still think of social media as a direct sales and marketing tool. as a way to ‘push information’ out. about their brand, services, and why people should take the next step.
sure, there are times that can make sense. but social media at its core is one thing:
an online community to facilitate two-way conversation.
we get it. with social media serving as such an integral part of both our personal and professional lives, it’s difficult to not look at the numbers and want to “take advantage” of a captive audience.
but how can you? let’s start with the basics in this series. the common questions we get at sweb with a few very important answers.
should I worry about my follower count?
💡 the number of followers you have on social media can be a tempting metric to obsess over, but the key is to remember that quantity doesn’t equal quality. while a large following may seem impressive, what’s even more important is the engagement and connection you have with your audience. focus on cultivating a genuine community of individuals who are interested in your content and actively engage with it and trust us – the followers will come. at the very least, the algorithm will be happy.
how do I perfect and remain present on all of the different platforms?
💡 the short answer is – you don’t. social media platforms are changing daily, it’s impossible to keep up with every update. and if we’re being honest, spreading yourself too thin will yield subpar results. this is why we recommend becoming a pro at just one or two. choose the platform where you know the most already or where your audience appears to be most present. remember, social media platforms all care about engagement and they define that engagement in different ways. concentrate your efforts there, and the success will come.
our business posts every day, but still has low engagement, why?
💡 while you can’t control the algorithm, you can stay top-of-mind by engaging with your community consistently. now when we say community, we mean more than just your followers and your posts. while those two things are important, and you should read assess your content approach, so is interacting with your neighboring businesses, accounts that post about what’s happening in your city, clubs or groups related to your niche, and the list goes on. you want to build out your community of like-minded individuals by staying top-of-mind across your industry as a whole, not just on your own account.
not seeing results from your social media content?
or, are you just not happy with what you’re putting out there?
let’s talk. or even just ping us if you’d like part two of this series …